Category Blue Tongue Skink

Do Blue Tongue Skinks Bite

Do Blue Tongue skinks bite

Blue Tongue Skinks, one of the most popular reptile pets, are also among the largest of the lizard species kept in homes. They are easy to keep and care for and have a very long life span comparatively to other…

What do baby blue tongue lizards eat

What Do baby Blue Tongue Skinks eat

Baby blue tongue lizards require a balanced diet consisting of minerals and nutrients. As a general overview of their diet, the following ratios are required in their meals. Please note that these differ vastly from those of an adult Blue Tongue…

Do Blue Tongue Skinks Need UVB Light

Do blue tongue skinks need UVB lighting

Blue Tongue Skinks are basking reptiles that need a light source to regulate their body temperature during the daytime.  The Blue Tongue Skink tank setup needs a light source, but there is a lot of discussion about Blue Tongue Skink…

Overweight Blue Tongue Skink?

Is your Blue Tongue Skink overweight

Is Your Blue Tongue Skink Overweight? Blue Tongue Skinks are lovely docile creatures and can easily be tamed. They make ideal pets for both children and beginners. But, as with any pet, there are certain things you need to know…

What Do Blue Tongue Skinks Eat and Drink?

What do Blue tongued skinks eat and drink

The Blue Tongue Skink is a diurnal lizard, meaning it is active during daylight, and it gets its name from, yes, you guessed it, its blue tongue. Native to both Australia and New Guinea, as pets, they are considered low…