Do Blue Tongue Skinks Need UVB Light

Do blue tongue skinks need UVB lighting

Blue Tongue Skinks are basking reptiles that need a light source to regulate their body temperature during the daytime. 

The Blue Tongue Skink tank setup needs a light source, but there is a lot of discussion about Blue Tongue Skink and what their UVB light source needs look like. This article will cover everything related to UVB light source, need, setup, precautions, etc…

Do Blue Tongue Skinks need UVB light?

Blue Tongue Skink needs UVB light because replaces the natural sunlight in the wild that they would normally be getting. It plays its role in the synthesis of active vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is important for the maintenance of healthy bones. Without Vitamin D3, a calcium deficiency can be a problem for your skink even if it takes it via feed. So the UVB light is needed to avoid potential joint problems and other calcium deficiencies related to metabolic bone health issues.

Can Blue Tongue Skink live without UVB? 

It is a topic of debate among skink lovers. In the past, Blue Tongue Skinks survived, grew, and bred without UVB. But latest studies and veterinarians’ opinions that vitamin D3 provided with its feed and the vitamin D3 synthesized via UVB have different metabolic rates. Similarly, reptiles exposed to Higher doses of UVB radiations have a greater amount of vitamin D3 in their blood than the reptiles supplemented with vitamins alone.

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What should be the size of UVB for the BTS enclosure?

You should select the UVB tube according to your enclosure size. Generally, the tube should be half the length of the enclosure. You can use a reflector to maximize UVB output for Blue Tongue Skink.

How many hours should the UVB lamp be on in the skink enclosure?

UVB light should be on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours in one day. You can control the UVB lamp inside the vivarium via a plugin timer. Turn off all lights at night to help the blue tongue regulate its sleep.

How to adjust UVB in the Blue Tongue Skink enclosure?

You can affix the UVB light source with a bracket inside the vivarium without a Glass or plastic barrier. For the safety of the Blue Tongue Skink, the UVB light source should be at least 10 inches from the from of the tank to maintain a safe distance and to allow even light coverage.

How can I measure UVB output in a Blue Tongue Skink enclosure?

It would be best if you had a solar meter (solar meter 6.5) to measure the output of UVB light in the basking area. A solar meter or UVI meter should be at the level of the animal, directed toward the UVB lamp. You can shoot UVB index readings ranging between UVI 3-4 in the skink basking area with a solar meter.

How much UVB does a Blue Tongue Skink need?

Blue Tongue Skink needs a gradient of UVB radiations inside their vivarium. In vivarium, UVB intensity should be in the range (UVI) 3-5 in the basking zone to zero in the shaded lamp should be replaced according to manufacturer instructions.

What should be the distance between UVB lamp and Blue Tongue Skink?

UVB lamp should be enough away that it gives readings UVI 3-4 range of radiations when measured with Solar meter.

In a vivarium of 60cm Hight, a 6 % UVB tube around half the length of the vivarium should be fixed inside the Roof of the vivarium. You can use a reflector according to your skinks length to direct UVB on the Blue Tongue Skink.

What precautions should I need for Blue Tongue Skink UVB exposure?

A major precaution is to prevent any burn injury from a light source or UVB bulb. A lamp guard may be handy to prevent injuries from bulb shatter.

Can I place a UVB lamp outside the glass enclosure?

It is advisable not to place the UVB light outside the vivarium as UV rays are blocked by glass or plastic. There should be no barrier between UVB light and reptiles. 

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Why should I replace the UVB lamp for my Blue Tongue Skink?

The UVB output reduces after some time, and even light output remains the same. That’s why it’s essential to replace UVB light sources for sustainable Vitamin D3 production. 

When should UVB be replaced in Blue Tongue Skink?

UVB should be replaced after 12 months of working. UVB Production capacity of Tubes decreases over time. You should replace it even if the tube is working fine. Please also check with the manufacturer’s recommendation as the frequency to change them may vary.

How much does UVB light cost for Blue Tongue Skink lightning?

UVB light along with fixtures can cost in the 50$-75$ range. However, this cost may vary depending on the UVB brand you are using, location, store, stock availability, and shipping cost. 

Will calcium deficiency in my skink be recitified when I use UVB in the enclosure?

UVB helps synthesize vitamin D, which aids in the deposition of calcium from the blood to the bone. But if there is any deficiency in the blood, you need dietary calcium and vitamin D along with UVB light for fast recovery and better health. Please also refer to your local veterinary doctor or reptile specialist.


Providing the right amount of UVB is essential for the continued health of a skink in captivity. Thankfully, given how popular skinks are as pets, there is a wide variety of choice and readily available guides for new owners.

So let them feel the UVB light and watch them flourish!

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