Category Leopard Geckos

Should I help my leopard gecko shed?

Should I help my Leopard Gecko shed

Leopard geckos are ground-dwelling nocturnal reptiles and very docile. They can be yellow, white, and black during different shedding stages. People like leopard geckos as pets because they can be easily tamed and require minimum care. Leopard geckos are interestingly…

Do Leopard Geckos Like To Be Handled?

Do Leopard Geckos like to be handled

There are many reasons why the leopard geckos are one of the most popular reptile pets in the country. Their adventurous and curious nature makes them stand out above many other reptile species.  Similarly, they look beautiful in their leopard…

Do Leopard Geckos like to swim?

Do Leopard Geckos like to swim

Leopard geckos usually don’t like swimming because their bodies aren’t built for water, and geckos don’t like to be submerged in water. So what things are required to clean leopard geckos? Bathing with water is commonly used to clean pets…

What Do Leopard Geckos Eat in the Wild?

what do leopard geckos eat in the wild

If you’re the owner of a pet Leopard Gecko, then you’ll already be aware of their dietary needs while in captivity. But what about their eating habits in the wild? Are there any variations between the two? How do Leopard…

What Do You Feed A Newborn Gecko

what do you feed a newborn leopard gecko

What To Feed Baby Geckos – All You Need To Know A gecko, depending on its subspecies, can be carnivores or omnivores. Leopard geckos, Tokay geckos, and African fat-tailed geckos are carnivores while crested geckos can eat a small portion…

Giving Your Leopard Gecko A Sugar Bath

giving your leopard gecko a sugar bath

Giving your Leopard Gecko a sugar bath seems like the ultimate sweet sounding spa pampering treatment for your pet and is the definition of high-life. Unfortunately it isn’t the pinnacle of reptile keeping but it does serve a very useful…

How Often Do Leopard Geckos Poop?

How often do leopard geckos poop

Yes you read that right! This blog post is about leopard geckos and regular bowel movements. As with a lot of things in life, what goes in must come out, and from that we can gauge the health of the…