Category Bearded Dragon

Best Online Platforms for Russian Tortoise Trade

Using Online Platforms for Russian Tortoise Trade

Dive into our curated list of the best online spaces where trust, variety, and quality converge. With Tortoise Town’s reliability, XYZ Reptiles’ selection, and My Turtle Store’s customer favorites, you’ll find the perfect match for your passion for these remarkable…

Why Is Russian Tortoise Anatomy so Unique

Russian Tortoise Anatomy so Unique

With its armored shell and sturdy limbs, this creature’s unique anatomy isn’t just a marvel—it’s a survival toolkit. Dive into the details of its robust design, from a digestive system built for tough foliage to respiratory quirks for arid climates.…

What Bearded Dragons needs in their tank

What Bearded Dragon needs in their tank

Bearded dragons are naturally suited to living in hot arid conditions in natural environments. When you own a bearded dragon as a pet, some arrangements are needed for better care and health of the bearded dragon. Given the unique nature…

How big does the Bearded Dragon grow

How big does the Bearded Dragon grow

According to its name, the bearded dragon is a magnificent creature. It’s armored with spiky reptile scales, much like a dragon, and it has a spiked “beard” beneath its chin that puffs out depending on how it’s feeling. They are…

Different types of bearded dragon

Different types of bearded dragons

The bearded dragon lives up to its name,  in the following ways: In the manner of a dragon, it is clad in armor made of prickly reptile scales, which includes a spiked “beard” beneath its chin that swells up and…

Can bearded dragons be around dogs?


Dogs are the most common pets the world over, and the relationship between humans and dogs goes back thousands of years. But what about bringing a reptile into the household? Bearded dragons and dogs can co-habit safely when allowed to…