Leopard geckos are ground-dwelling nocturnal reptiles and very docile. They can be yellow, white, and black during different shedding stages. People like leopard geckos as pets because they can be easily tamed and require minimum care. Leopard geckos are interestingly looking creatures that shed regularly.
Leopard geckos periodically shed their skin with no issues throughout their life when their diet and housing environmental conditions are similar to their natural habitats.

Leopard geckos shed their complete skin at once, while mammals shed their skin continuously. Leopard geckos shedding time will be a stressful experience for beginners when they don’t know how to help leopard geckos shed?
More critical is understanding the natural shedding aspects of leopard gecko before any intervention. When you know the leopard gecko shedding cycle, stages, behavior, sign, and symptoms, you will be able to figure out the problems and their solution associated with shedding.
In this blog article, we’ve covered all aspects of leopard geckos shedding, behavior, symptoms, and helpful tips to solve the common shedding problems.
Why do Leopard Geckos shed their skin?
Reptiles shed their skin for various reasons. Here is the list of 6 common reasons why Leopard geckos shed their skin
- Leopard geckos shed to help make room for new skin as they grow.
- Shedding helps in the Removal of external parasites.
- Shedding causes the Production of various colors during the shedding cycle.
- To heal damaged skin or skin injury.
- Conservation of nutrients.
- In the wild, shedding helps leopard geckos to remove skin mites and ticks that can cause illness if not removed.
- Repeated skin shading over months recovers bites, scratches, and other minor injuries.
What is a Leopard Gecko shed?
Leopard geckos shed contains an upper layer of skin called the epidermis, preventing microscopic and macroscopic organisms. Leopard geckos don’t remove their whole skin during shedding.
How often do Leopard Geckos shed their skin?
Leopard geckos frequently shed their skin. Diet, Habitat, and age determine skin shedding frequency and ease of shedding. Younger leopard geckos grow fast, and their shedding frequency is also higher.
Young leopard geckos under three months shed their skin weekly .leopard geckos from 3 to 6 months old shed every two weeks.
From six months to 1.5 years, leopard geckos shed every three weeks, and frequency decreases after 1.5 years. When leopard geckos reach their adult size, they shed after every 4 to 8 weeks.
When do Leopard Geckos stop shedding?
Shedding is a normal part of the Leopard gecko’s life. Leopard gecko may stop shedding during hibernation(it’s a state in reptiles with minimum activity during winter), and during incubating eggs, shedding frequency decreases in senior reptiles.
Sign and behavior of Leopard Gecko shedding?
Some behavioral and physical signs will tell you when your leopard gecko is ready to shed its skin. The symptoms may vary slightly in individuals but are good indicators for predicting the shed.
When leopard gecko becomes dull, their color pattern will fade into a grey color. Leopard geckos will absorb water and old skin to get nutrients.
Once the new layer develops, the old dried layer gets separated when the leopard rubs his skin against rough objects or uses his mouth to remove shed skin. The new skin will be shiny and colorful.
Leopard geckos eat less before shedding their skin. When shedding starts, leopard geckos usually eat well. Leopard geckos eat their skin to conserve nutrients. Many geckos, during shedding, become shy, lethargic, and even irritable. At the shed, leopard geckos hide and do not like to be handled—That’s why you shouldn’t irritate your leopard gecko during shedding.
How long should I wait to help my Leopard Gecko shed?
Leopard gecko Shedding or ecdysis is not a long process. When your pet generally enters the shedding cycle in healthy geckos, it takes one to three days to complete skin shed. The skin removal process takes an hour, but it may take 24 hours in some geckos.
When skin layers start to separate, Leopard geckos may lose appetite and become lethargic due to low energy levels. Lethargy is not a problem .when a gecko regains normal appetite. When your reptile stays lethargic even after three days post shedding, it may be due to other health problems.
Feed your gecko if it’s hungry on days close to shedding, but when your gecko starts shedding, then it’s better to wait until it completes Shedd.
Should I handle my Leopard Gecko during shedding?
During shedding, the Leopard gecko becomes more susceptible to predators. Leopard geckos do not like to be handled during shedding. In the middle of the shedding stage, stressing a reptile by handling or offering food can cause problems in shedding skin. That’s why it’s better to leave your lizard alone in its tank to avoid any shedding problems.
How to help a Leopard Gecko shed?
Leopard gecko shedding sometimes needs human aid when normal shedding does not occur. When non-shed skin accumulates in leopard gecko’s toes, it may cause constriction of blood vessels and even digit loss.
The best way to assist your pet is to set up an enclosure that mimics the natural Habitat.
Don’t try to pull gecko skin during shedding without misting because pulling nonshedding or stuck skin can damage the underlying new skin.
If you notice your gecko shed has stuck even after one day of shedding, don’t panic and follow the instructions below to help your gecko shed.
There are various ways to assist your gecko in removing its stuck shed. Here are five simple ways you can use to help your gecko.
Bathing will help in softening the stuck skin. For that procedure, place your gecko in a dish with lukewarm water and soak for ten minutes. Ensure the water level is shallow, and the leopard gecko head should be above water level. Leopard gecko can’t swim. That’s why don’t bathe your normal shedding pet. You can also provide your gecko with a sugar bath to speed up the process
Misting can also help in softening the non-shed skin. Spray gently to the stuck skin and wait for 10 to 30 minutes. Don’t face spray water directly on your gecko face.
If misting doesn’t work, then use shedding aid.
Shedding aid
Shedding aids combine water, aloe vera, Jabba oil, and vitamin E. shedding-aid spray directly on gecko’s skin. This solution works best when gently rubbing on the surface of the gecko after spraying.
Shedding box
Shedding boxes with humid hide to climb can help in shedding stuck skin. You can fill the gecko hide with a paper towel or coconut fiber. Make sure the hide size should be larger than the reptile, and the opening should be smaller to prevent evaporation.
You can provide a rough surface to your gecko because most shed stickage occurs due to the absence of a rough surface for skin rubbing.
Why does my Leopard Gecko shed so much?
The most common causes of leopard gecko too many sheddings are dehydration, parasite, mites, thermal burn or no hiding area, stress, and malnutrition.
Why do Leopard Geckos struggle to shed?
Leopard gecko shed stuck occur due to poor diet and humidity. Vitamin A deficiency, external parasites, and skin injuries also lead to stuck shed. Leopard geckos with parasites will show abnormal signs of shedding and may remain lethargic after three days.
Why has my Leopard Gecko turned white?
Gecko changes his color to grey white close to the shedding cycle. Shedding is a normal process in healthy leopard geckos. When your leopard gecko goes pale in color, please do not be worried about it. The Leopard gecko is more close to the shedding cycle. Skin shedding or ecdysis is a normal process in which your pet changes its color during different stages of life due to its shedding.
Why is my Leopard Gecko turning grey?
When the leopard gecko is close to shedding skin, its color changes almost to whitish-grey. When the reptile is closer to shedding, its old upper layer may feel loose. Do not ever try to handle or peel normal shedding skin until the problem of shedding stuck occur.
Why is my Leopard Gecko poop white?
Leopard geckos poop like white when geckos eat their shedding skin. When leopard geckos eat their shed skin, their stool turns white or grey. Do not confuse urate with white color. Urate mostly appears on the side of the stool. If you keep your gecko on a bright substance, he may ingest it, and feces looks white.
Why is my Leopard Gecko pale after shedding?
Leopard geckos look white when shedding, but faded skin appears pale after a shed. That’s why your gecko looks pale after shedding.
Do Leopard Geckos need a humidity gauge?
Humidity is essential for normal leopard gecko shedding. A humidity gauge may help track the humidity and tanks temperature. For normal skin shedding leopard gecko need 70-80 percent humidity.
Why is my Leopard Gecko biting his tail?
The gecko bites his tail to remove the old skin in the shedding. .in some cases, the gecko bites its tail due to the irritation caused by irritating mites.
How do I help my Leopard Gecko to shed his head?
It’s similar to your aid in removing stuck body shed. You can provide a shallow warm water bath or spraying to remove the stuck shed from the head. Be gentle and don’t try to peel off old skin because underlying skin is more prone to invaders.do not spray consistently on the face to avoid further stress on the leopard gecko.
Shedding is a normal process in healthy leopard geckos. Shedding frequency is variable according to different age groups. The shedding cycle takes 1 to 3 days. It is more important to provide a better environment and not handle your gecko during normal shedding. But when the shed is stuck even after three days of shedding, you can assist your pet by bathing, misting, or providing shedding aid with rough objects.