There are many reasons why the leopard geckos are one of the most popular reptile pets in the country. Their adventurous and curious nature makes them stand out above many other reptile species.
Similarly, they look beautiful in their leopard pattern skin and are quite placid as well. Dogs owners will know that the pooches enjoy it when we rub their bellies.
But this type of behavior is not seen in the reptiles. Especially when it comes to leopard geckos they do not like to be handled. The frequency of being held is larger as compared to other reptiles but still, they do like it.
In this article, we will share some detailed aspects of handling the leopard geckos.
Do Leopard Geckos like to be handled?
At first, the leopard geckos are the species that do not respond well to being handled on the whole but sometimes they are ok with it! So, the bright side of leopard geckos is that they can be tamed to a certain extent to allow them to be handled.
The first thing to note is that abrupt gestures and actions are a big cause of anxiety for leopard geckos. So, when you want to be friendly, be controlled and measured in your movements with your pet.
Slowly, advance a hand towards your Leopard Gecko and you will find that it will allow the gesture and not respond in a defensive manner.

The reason Leopard Geckos do not like to be handled
The ability to form emotional connections is found in many domesticated household pets such as cats, and dogs. However, reptiles do not have such emotional capacity. The curse of the reptilian brain! That is why leopard geckos are unable to form a relationship with humans.
So far we’ve painted a depressing picture for the ability to enjoy your Leopard Gecko as a pet, but thankfully, all is not lost!

If trust is present between you and your Leo then you can create a bond that suits it and makes it comfortable. A lot depends on the environment that you introduce them to in the first place. When bringing a leopard gecko into a new home, it is clearly going to be an alien environment to them and will be defensive until they are made to feel secure in their new home.
Ways to make Leopard Geckos your friend
Trust is everything between you and your pet. Start by giving them some attention, remain calm, gentle, and patient with your leopard geckos whilst your move them into their new home. Obviously ensure that the vivarium is fully set up with the basics for its comfort and survival. In this way, you can make a strong handling relationship which otherwise seems impossible.
Start with a gentle Introduction
An introduction to handling should always be slow, and clear that you are not a threat to it. So do not rush toward the pet as it will cause some anxiety.
This is a preliminary step, do not try to hold it at this stage, keep a watchful eye on how agitated it seems, and do not force the situation. Slowly move your hand inside the cage so that geckos recognize you as a friend and let it come to you first.
Then slowly touch its lower back. If it shows a friendly response, then slowly try to go and handle it. The first time handling your gecko should be precise, release the geckos just after a period of 2-3 minutes as it will signal that your touch was long enough to not be seen as a threat.
Win the gecko’s favor with food!
As with any living creature, leopard geckos also love food! Leopard geckos can be persuaded to feel safer and more secure in their new home when they are fed treats.
The food should be given at regular intervals in line with good nutrition, this will build its trust in its new life at home with you. A good sign for it to stay calm and enjoy its new life.
The routine feeding will mark you as a friend of the leopard geckos and an atmosphere of confidence, and expectation starts to build. After a few feeding sessions, try again to pick up the leopard gecko in your hands and start feeding the treats.
This way you are doing positive reinforcement of being handled is a moment it will start looking forward to!
Let them be free for a while
The leopard geckos have a curious nature and they love to explore new areas. For this, you can bring them out of the cage and nearer to you, on a bed for example.
The geckos love to discover environments that are safe and friendly. If they feel safe about their surroundings they easily come closer to you and you can handle them.
Some signs of affection for the Leopard Gecko
There are some great ways in which the leopard gecko can be picked up as a pet. Some of them include,
Shine ultraviolet light toward the leopard gecko, if it pushes his tongue in response, means it is in good shape and comfortable right now and will repeat this over and over. This is an excellent sign.
Change of temperature is also a workable tool to make a friendly relationship, if the Leo feels heated place him in a mildly cooler place. The vivarium should have both a hot and cool zone already in place. Another treat is to put some mealworm dish in front of him.
When you hold the Leo in your hands, be gentle with your handling and let it move it’s feet and tail freely. This will allow him to be less stressed, unconstrained and happy.
Always pick the leopard geckos from underneath, gently holding the area near its belly, this will enable the rest of their body a slightly free movement. This is vital to establishing a good relationship.
Most of the people who pet leopard geckos in their homes love to handle them. But they are solitary animals and they do not prefer to be handled even their handler takes extra care of them.
They do not have emotional feelings like the other pets but they do allow some trusting moments. So try these tips and watch it grow closer to you over time when feeding. They are little loners by nature, but they soon warm to you when done right!