The answer to this question is yes, bearded dragons can change color. In fact, their ability to change color is one of their most interesting and unique features.
Bearded dragons can change their color in response to a variety of stimuli, such as environmental changes, ambient heat, mood, and body temperature (thermoregulation).
Color changes in bearded dragons result from chromatophores. This type of cell produces colors in reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans, and cephalopods.
The vital function of chromatophores is camouflage; it is the inherent property that helps the animal hide or resembles its surroundings. It’s a kind of safeguard animals use to match the habitat and stay safe and hidden.
At the same time, this distinctive property makes them different and attractive. The function of camouflage is to safeguard the animal. Also, this peculiar feature has got them the care and adoration of humans.
Do bearded dragons change color as they mature?
The question here is, do bearded dragons change color? And the answer is YES; they do change color as they grow. Their color-changing ability is dependent on a lot of factors and elements. It goes through many phases during growth, and in every stage, the determining factors are different. These specific features are shedding, diet, mood, quantity, and quality of color exposure. Their color also fades when it’s their bath time. All these determine the tone and shade of its skin color.

Color changes due to shedding
The color of bearded dragons changes while shedding; it is a procedure in which new skin replaces the old worn-out skin; it can also happen after an injury. When they are about to shed, their color gets dull and pale. When they shed the old skin, new lighter and vibrant skin comes out, and they start to look refined and beautiful.
The shedding process takes a lot of energy, so your bearded dragon gets lazy and tired before, during, and after it. The skin gets taut, and they often scratch themselves on various surfaces to get rid of old skin.
Color Changes Due To Growth
Growth has a lot of effects on all living beings. Beard dragons also go through many stages, from hatchling to adult life. When a new bearded dragon comes out of its egg, it has a temporary color that changes throughout life, and one color dominates when it becomes an adult.
Growth is a process that changes and grooms every being. Bearded dragons come in various colors, and due to their camouflage property, they keep on changing colors. The bearded dragon also changes color as it grows and gets one dominant color. This feature is dependent on various factors like age, shedding, diet, mood, and light exposure. The camouflage property kicking in at the correct times gives it a lot of benefits. So look forward to a companion with different fashion choices throughout its lifespan!
Color Changes Due to Environment
Typically bearded dragons are white, pale, translucent, brown, red, orange, olive green, and yellow. Color also depends on the type of environment it is living in or where its growth took place. Color change also depends on diet and mood. For more on the the Bearded Dragon’s Diet, see here.
Change Of Color Due To Different Light Exposure
Bearded dragon color is also dependent on the light; it turns dark in the daytime and gets light at night. Natural light is necessary for its color balance. It requires a specific amount of light exposure, the ones living in an open environment get enough light required, but the ones kept at home may have lack light exposure; UV light is an excellent source to provide light; the temperature should be 70 to 75 F in the day and night. The light source should be consolidated and centralized so that all body parts get proper light.
Color Changes Due to Health Issues
Changes in skin color could indicate underlying health issues, such as skin infection, nutritional deficiencies, or parasites.
Skin infection. This can be caused by a number of factors, including bacteria, fungi, or parasites. If you notice that your bearded dragon’s skin has changed color, it’s important to take them to a reptile veterinarian as soon as possible. They can diagnose the underlying cause and provide the necessary treatment to help your pet recover.
Nutritional deficiencies. Bearded dragons require a balanced diet to maintain good health, and a lack of essential nutrients can cause their skin color to change. Some common deficiencies that can lead to changes in skin color include calcium, vitamins A and D, and phosphorus. If you suspect that your bearded dragon’s diet may be lacking in these essential nutrients, talk to your reptile veterinarian about how to make adjustments to their diet.
Parasites. Some changes can be brought on by things such as mites and ticks can cause skin irritation and discoloration. If you notice that your bearded dragon’s skin has changed color, it’s important to take them to a reptile veterinarian as soon as possible. They can diagnose the underlying cause of the changes and provide the necessary treatment to help your pet recover.
Please note: Sudden or concerning changes in color should be addressed by a professional veterinarian who specializes in reptile care.
Summing up
The most common factor in color change is ageing! Bearded dragons can change color as they mature with old age, with some individuals developing more vibrant colors as they become elders. So be mindful of the factors that we’ve covered above but just enjoy some f natures greatest work when you see your beardie go through the shades, they always bring the color to the world!