The bearded dragon lives up to its name, in the following ways: In the manner of a dragon, it is clad in armor made of prickly reptile scales, which includes a spiked “beard” beneath its chin that swells up and down depending on how it feels. Bearded dragons are classified into eight different species, all of which are referred to as “beardies” by their owners.
These are the most popular pet reptiles, and they are known for being kind, curious, and lively during the daytime. This species, the central bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps, is the most frequent species kept as a pet, followed by the eastern bearded dragon. Here are some popular 14 types of bearded dragons;
Paradox dragons are incredibly gorgeous, highly sought for, and extremely rare. They are hatched with skin that is a single firm base color, but during the course of the first few months after hatching, they start to acquire the distinctive adult markings that give them their names, which take many months.
When they are fully developed, they have the appearance of having been splattered with colorful paint, resulting in speckles and blotches of color strewn haphazardly throughout their bodies.
They are born brilliant and vibrantly colored, but as a consequence of a genetic mutation, the body creates less pigmentation (melanin; responsible for the dark color); they become lighter as they become older as a result of the mutation.
With transparent nails and a broad range of skin colors, this morph may be found in various colors ranging from pinkish to yellowish to royal blue, light orange, and snow.
Kevin Dunn, the guy behind the development of this specific beardie breed, was given the honor of naming it. They have several distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from other morphs.
Pogoma barbata
Pongoma barbata bearded dragons are a huge species of reptile that may grow to be more than two feet in length. They are also known as Coastal or Eastern Bearded Dragons. Because they are native to arid, forested environments, they are most active during the afternoon hours when the weather is warm. Because of a scarcity of resources in their native habitats, they are territorial and combative against other lizards to protect their territory.
Pogona Microlepidota
They are known by several names, the most popular of which is the Small Scaled Bearded Dragon. Because they have such a restricted range in Northwestern Australia, it’s doubtful that you’ll find one at your local pet shop. A six-inch maximum length is the total length they can grow to reach.
Pogona Minor Minima
They are also known as Western Bearded Dragons. They are only found on three islands off the coast of Western Australia, where they live in sparsely populated areas with few people. They may reach a maximum height of 14 inches and like to live in dry forests as their habitat.
Pogona Minor Mitchelli
A bearded dragon species often known as Mitchell’s Bearded Dragon, this particular is becoming increasingly scarce as its native habitats are being modified for human use. They may grow up to 20 inches in length and love to live in semi-tropical forests and dunes rather than urban areas.
Pogona Nullarbor
In the wild, Banded Bearded Dragon may grow up to 16 inches in length and could be found in flat brushy settings. The most distinguishing feature of this species is a lengthy line of black horizontal stripes running across its back and tail.
Pogona Vitticeps
They are also called Inland or Central Bearded Dragons and are found nearly solely in Australia. They are good companions for people since they are gentle and docile, and they like climbing and exploring new environments. This kind of Bearded Dragon, which may grow two feet in length, is one of the most popular for keeping as a pet.

Pogona Vittikins
This species is the most newly discovered form of the bearded dragon. It is a natural hybrid cross between the Pogona Vitticeps and Pogona Henrylawsoni species, and it is the most newly found variety of bearded dragons. This species, which is often referred to as a Vittikins Dragon, is recognized for having quite amiable temperaments and growing to be approximately a foot in length, making it an excellent choice for keeping as a pet.
Classic/Standard Morph
Even though they are domesticated, this variant is the most similar to wild-type bearded dragons in appearance and temperament. With its distinctive triangular skull, spiky beard, and spikes surrounding the body, this Bearded Dragon morph is easily identified. This species’ hues are often tan or brown, but they may also be red or yellow and have orange patterns on their bodies.
Hypomelanistic Morph
They possess lower quantities of melanin, which results in their skin and scales being very pale-colored. They have white or transparent nails and are frequently white or subdued yellow. They may have patterns and lines, but dark colors are not possible for them to grow. They have the same body form and spike pattern as Classic Morph Bearded Dragons.
German Giant Morph
The biggest kind of Bearded Dragons, German Giant Bearded Dragons, may grow to be over 18 inches long. Especially later in life, they resemble Classic Bearded Dragons. They are known for being combative and laying massive bunches of eggs.
The translucent bearded dragon morph, as its name indicates, is so named because its spikes and scales are almost completely transparent, giving it the appearance of being translucent. In addition to being translucent, these morphs are frequently hypomelanistic, which means they are generally lighter in color.
Baby translucent variants have an almost transparent belly that appears blue, similar to a leopard gecko. In contrast, adults often have solid dark eyes with no visible iris and, on rare occasions, blue eyelids. Translucent morphs are also known as leopard geckos. The most visible feature that distinguishes this morph from the others is its distinctive eyes.