Dogs are the most common pets the world over, and the relationship between humans and dogs goes back thousands of years. But what about bringing a reptile into the household?
Bearded dragons and dogs can co-habit safely when allowed to be introduced to each other in a safe and controlled manner.
In this article, pet lovers will learn how to safely introduce bearded dragons to dogs, steps and precautions while keeping the dog and a bearded dragon together as a pet. Continue reading…
Can bearded dragons be around dogs?
Yes, bearded dragons and dogs can be friends. Bearded dragons are more social species than other reptiles. The slow and steady induction of bearded dragons into the dog’s space will result in a good friendship.
You need to follow the practical steps to promote a long-lasting friendship between beardie and dog while keeping both animals safe. Here are five easy steps you need to follow for a safe meeting between both animals.

Five easy steps to safely introduce your dog to a bearded dragon
Quiet and neutral interaction space
When you introduce your dog to a bearded dragon, it’s better to do it away from home. Both animals can be in neutral territory.
To prevent territorial or protective behaviour from your dog, allow the new interaction to take place in a neutral part of the house.
Avoid interaction in an area where your dog spends most of the time. The interaction place should be quiet and calm.
Get a helper
The interaction of a Dog and bearded dragon needs two people to control both animals. Your dog should be calm and not excited when you show a bearded dragon slowly in your hand. Another person can reward your dog for calm and relaxed behaviour around your dragon.
Ideally, use a leash to control your dog when he behaves negatively during interaction with beardie.
You should lose the leash to make your dog feels stress-free and move around without feeling restricted. Restricted feeling with a tight leash can make the experience stressful.
Similarly, hold your beardie with a flat palm to make him feel safe.
Start this display activity only for a few minutes and return your beardie to a tank. Carefully repeat this process a few times and observe the signs of both dog and bearded dragons.
Avoid over stimulation
Loud noises, sudden movement and unfamiliar faces can stress both animals during their first meeting.

The first meeting is already an exciting event for dogs and beardie so additional stimulation can stimulate aggressive and fearful behaviour.
Don’t invite visitors to your home while your dog and beardie interact.
Don’t leave your beardie and dog unattended.
When you leave alone your pets, there may be a danger for both; particularly, your beardie is more vulnerable.
Dogs are larger than beardie, and any rough interaction can hurt your beardie. You should monitor the interaction closely for the safety of both animals.
When they have already interacted many times, you can leave them alone together to see their interaction. Please do not go away and be ready to respond when they start to behave negatively.
Look for signs of discomfort or uncertainty.
Keep your bearded dragon in your hand and watch their interaction for the signs of aggression or discomfort. Pets from two different habitats may become aggressive at any time.
When your dog is nervous from the first meeting, he may show these signs
- Long, unwavering stare
- Stiff muscle and posture
- A lifted lip or growling
When your beardie feels nervous, he may show some classical signs such as
- Waving
- Head bobbing
- Bearded puffing
- Try to hide
When you see your dog showing signs of aggression and stress during his first meeting, you need to distract your dog calmly. The best way of distraction is to allow your dog to play with his toys.
When your dog is calmed, you can allow him to interact under strict observation.
Useful tips for safe interaction between bearded dragon and dogs
Consider dog behavior
Before introducing bearded dragon to your dog, first, consider the temperament of your already housed dog.
Your dog should be calm and not excited when you slowly show the bearded dragon in your hand.
Health check
Similarly, your bearded dragon health check is essential before introducing it to your dog. Bearded dragons can carry salmonella (see the CDC article here) and other disease-causing parasites to dogs. These harmful parasites can be transfer to your dog during interaction .That’s why the proper health check of bearded dragon is necessary before first interaction with dog.
Avoid introducing dogs less than two years because younger dogs have less immunity and uncertain temperament. It’s better to train your dog for good behaviors and wait for strong immune status.
Bearded dragon selection
Purchasing a bearded dragon from the right place will help in smooth interaction between a dog and a bearded dragon. Responsible breeders treat their animals for the development of relaxed temperament.
The First Interactions
Start by introducing your dog to the bearded dragon while it’s still in its tank. Keep your dog on a leash and under close supervision to ensure that it doesn’t harm the bearded dragon. Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends around the bearded dragon, while always keeping a close eye on the interaction.
Place the bearded dragon’s tank in an area where your dog can’t reach it, and make sure the tank is secure to prevent your dog from knocking it over or opening it. It’s also important to provide your bearded dragon with plenty of hiding spots and basking areas to reduce stress and promote healthy behavior.
Remember that your beardie is not in wildlife in its natural environment so its behavior is going to be a more stressed response if the interaction goes that way.
Scent swapping
Smelling is a means of communication between different animals. Scent swapping will help dog and beardie to get used to each other. When they smell each other, it helps them feel safe before the first meeting.
You can rub your bearded dragon against a piece of cloth to capture their smell. You can present this to your dog to smell it first before the first meeting to make him relaxed for this smell.
Teaching an emergency call
Never leave your pets alone together in a room for tool long and train your dog for an emergency call. Teaching an emergency call will allow you to have full control of your dog.
Positive Reinforcement
Reward good behavior: If the dog remains calm and doesn’t show any signs of aggression or prey drive, reward it with treats and praise as you would any other dog training processes that you may have done before.
Feeding Spaces
Keep the food apart! Make sure to feed the dog and bearded dragon in separate areas to reduce competition and aggression.
Excellent napping buddies
The bearded dragon spends 8 hours under the sun-basking. Similarly, dogs also enjoy sleeping in a sunny warm bed. They may become excellent napping buddies.
Bearded dragons should not be kept out of the vivarium for too long, even in sunlight. The bearded dragon may get cold because they are cold-blooded. They need extra lights and heat to regulate their body temperature.
Bearded dragon harness
You can get a bearded dragon and dog harness for a walk. During a walk, your dog and beardie may get used to each other.
Do not go for a walk in the park because other dogs may create a disturbance. That’s why limit your stroll to a small garden.
Beardie does not need long walks for exercise .you should be careful about the surrounding temperature of bearded dragons.
How do bearded dragons react to dogs?
When you introduce a bearded dragon to your dog, your beardie will stay and look at your dog with open eyes and show his gentle expressions. Usually, bearded dragons are gentle and docile.
If your dog is calm, he may wag his tail, sniff around, and your dog will maintain a loose stir posture. Your dog will be excited without showing signs of stress.
When the bearded feel threatened by your dog, he may extend his beard to appear bigger, or he will try to hide for safety.
Generally, dogs will not be afraid of a bearded dragon, but when your dog is nervous, he will refuse to go within 10 feet of a bearded dragon.
When to avoid the interaction of a bearded dragon with a dog?
When your dog or bearded dragon show stress or aggressive behavior, it’s better to wait rather than interaction.
When your dog comes into season (heat), your dog’s behaviour can change dramatically—that’s why it’s important to avoid the interaction between the dog and bearded dragon during their heat cycle.
Similarly, male beardie can be aggressive during mating season, and it’s recommended to keep them apart for the safety of your pets.
Is punishment will help your dog to behave well with a bearded dragon?
Don’t punish your dog for behaving negatively with beardie because a punishment will create more fear, aversion and increased conflict soon.
It can be hard for your dog to respond positively to a new incoming pet, and it may take some time for confidence and safe feelings—That’s why be patient with your dog and allow them to learn good behavior without punishment.
Bearded dragons and dogs need little time to get to know each other. Bearded dragons and dogs can make solid friendships despite their different natures. You need to introduce them slowly and keep them under strict observation during their first meetings. Try to observe the nervous signs of the dog and beardie to control the situation before any flashpoints. So be watchful and guide them into being comfortable with each other.