Bearded dragons or beardies belonging to the genus Pogona are clever little reptiles and can be very sociable with other animals.
Now one of the most popular home pet reptiles, beardies are reptiles with a beard or cluster of spikes under their chin. There are eight species of beardies, out of which you can keep four of them as pet animals, and the most common one is Pogona vitticeps.

They are calm and cuddly, low-maintenance animals that are ideal pets. People have a lot of queries and curiosities related to animals they want to keep as pets, especially when it comes to bearded dragons that belong to the class of reptiles.
Children have a pure and lively connection with pets. If they own a pet from a young age, they get to learn many things and great lessons. Pets become their best friends; they share everything with them. You often spot a kid talking to their pet as they see them as family.
Kids can learn a lot of stuff by owning and taking care of pets. As they get to know their empathic side, they feel the emotions more strongly; the way of communication becomes easy.
They understand the pattern of life (birth, adolescence, old age, and death) and how to open up about their emotions and feeling. Children should be given pets at a young age, but supervision is necessary for all situations.
Are bearded dragons a good pet for children?
The answer is YES. Bearded dragons have all the characteristics that make them safe and low-maintenance pets.
It’s easy to keep and take care of them while not giving a lot of time, and you don’t have to monitor your children all the time when they are with them due to them being docile. Kids usually want to have a thing (a toy or a pet) so badly, and when they get it, they get tired of playing with them after a week or two. Not with live pets, its constant stimulation and teaches the basics of caring.
Are bearded dragons good beginner pets?
Bearded dragons are brilliant for beginners to owning reptiles, they are exceptionally docile animals. Training them is an easy task, just following the right protocols.
They get accustomed to their surroundings well. These are also small, so taking good care of them is not hard. Following are the characteristic features that make beardies a good pet for kids.
Bearded Dragons Are Clean Animals
Bearded dragons are neat and clean animals by nature. They like to keep their enclosure clean, so you will see their poop in one small corner of the enclosure and not in all the space provided. They even try and make sure that their poop doesn’t touch them so that they don’t get dirty. It will also protect the children from getting infections, as the bacteria Salmonella are present in their poop.
Every child should know one essential thing to wash their hands before and after picking up their pets. No matter how clean your pet is, washing your hands is a protocol your kid must follow.
Make sure to bathe your bearded dragons two-three times a week. As a parent, you have to keep the enclosure clean until your child can do so themself. This is a basic requirement and protocol to ensure the health of your pet and anyone handling the beardie.
Feeding Bearded Dragons Is Easy
Feeding them is no headache as adult beardies eat once a day and young ones eat twice a day.
A bearded baby dragon eats three times a day. Bearded dragons belong to the category of omnivores as they eat plants and animals both.
Plant that they can eat: collard, mustard greens, chard, green beans, broccoli, parsley, dandelions, kale, cilantro, red or green cabbage, watercress, bell peppers, mangoes, apples, pears, kiwis, melons, bananas, guavas, tomatoes, star fruit, peaches, and grapes.
For live food: beardies eat crickets, spiders, mealworms, wax worms, earthworms, grasshoppers, moths, silkworms, and slugs. For kids, it’s always fun to watch them eat, especially when they are hunting crickets and roaches.
Bearded Dragons Are Happy On Their Own
These animals have been living in solitude since their birth; they don’t need company all the time. Mostly they are happy being on their own in their enclosures. Kids get bored or busy and can’t give their pets much time.
Bearded dragons don’t feel lonely; one of the joys of the reptilian brain! Being around kids, they’ll probably be spoiled for attention which is also welcome! In this way, both get accustomed to each other. It’s okay if they play the whole day and other days they don’t.
They Develop Connections With Humans
When beardies get attached to their owner, they cuddle and show affection to them. They will run here and there to get their attention and actually display playfulness. When you pick them up, they will snuggle to your chest or neck and can lay there for a while.
At times when they’re tired, it’s not unusual for them to fall asleep whilst being cuddled. Taking them for walks proves to improve their connection to humans. A good leash and a long walk make them happy, and their owner also feels refreshed, as kids love to show their pets to each other; with the leash on, they can easily take their beardie out of the house.
Beaded Dragons Have A Good Temperament
Beardies have a good nature; they are calm, submissive, and generally docile. They won’t fight or bite unnecessarily. Although if they do bite, it will not lead to a serious injury, as they have short and blunt teeth.
Beardies don’t bite unless they feel scared or threatened; you have to train your children to stay calm when it happens. This helps the situation to not spiral, a surprised reacytion with unsettle the beardie and potentially cause more of a reaction from it.
Great Life Expectancy
They live for on average upto 10 to 15 years; that’s a great lifespan for a pet. The kids won’t have to go through the pain of losing a pet early. Children will get adequate time to play and bond with them and understand the phases of life.
Home Friendly Animals
Bearded dragons are nice animals you can keep at home easily; they don’t grow massively, just 18 to 24 inches in size.
The enclosure tank should have proper light and temperature settings. Bearded dragons are budget-friendly pet animals, and also, the enclosure tank won’t cost you a lot.
They can live in indoor home settings and also in outdoor home settings. It doesn’t matter for them, whether it’s a lawn or a living room, they get to live and play comfortably.
Final Thoughts
Bearded dragons are great pets for children. They are harmless, docile, and easy to take care of; children love this unique and exotic looking animal. Bearded dragons are small to handle, and children love to carry them around. In short, bearded dragons can prove to be the best pet animal for kids.